Saturday, August 05, 2006


Help-Outgunned and Overmatched!

Dear Friends,

I just threw down on the alcohol issue over at the new SBTC Blog. It's just me against Dr. Jim Richards, Editor Gary Ledbetter, Dr. Brad Reynolds, Dr. Jerry Vines, and all six seminary presidents.

It's hardly fair, me against all of them. Could someone come over and give these outgunned, overmatched guys a hand? :)

Love in Christ,



Your comment is not even up yet over at SBTC. Certainly there have not been responses by the list of folks you've mentioned. How is this you by yourself vs. them?

In Christ,
My dear Bishop Young,
There goes your chances for SBC President! Since it is only really about the sufficiency of Scripture, I don't know if it is worth fighting over or not. I'll go take a look.
Wayne Hatcher

When I was a Reformed Presbyterian Church member (Evangelical Synod), a PCA Church Member, a United Presbyterian Church member, and a Methodist church member, everybody knew that Baptists voted dry and drank wet. It seemed to work pretty well back then.

So there's 4 denominations that agreed about Baptists and alcohol. I don't think Baptists will ever agree about it.

Jim Cymbala said almost everyone will emphasize those verses that agree with what they already believe, as they are not looking for verses that contradict their position. Hence I don't think the situation is going to change.

Can't wait to see your comment at SBTC.
Jeff, Update: Bart is right, your comment is not there. They have either removed your comment, or it didn't "stick" somehow. This article sounds like a brushed-up version of Dr. Patterson's article in BP. It is full of "probably"'s, and "usually"'s, and soforth.

I just posted a comment there, and my submission was taken, but it did not appear either, so they must check them out before posting them to prevent "random trash".

I have been aiming to ask you if you had the little book by Dever on plurality of elders. I have an extra copy received at the Founder's breakfast, and if you don't have one, I would be happy to send my extra to you.

Keep up the good fight.
In Christ, Wayne Hatcher

Your comment is there. You have to click on the "read more" thingie at the bottom and then read the whole original posting on the blog. Your comment shows up immediately thereunder.

Hey. I got to say thereunder.
Dear Brother Bart,

I hope you had a nice vacation. It's good to have you back. I got to recommend your blogs on how to tell if a church is still a church when it came up at a meeting this week.

Bart, I'm just being silly, although most of the people I mentioned have thrown in their support for Resolution 5 sometime over the past few weeks. As far as the new SBTC blog, it had only Dr. Richards' comments on the alcohol issue last time I checked.

Love in Christ,

At the bottom of Dr. Richards' comment on the main page is a link. It says "Read all of Biblical Inerrancy and Alcohol Use by Christians". Click on that and it takes you to the complete posting, and your comment is on that page.
Hi, Jeff,

I had a great vacation. I just got all excited, thinking that there was a slugfest going on over at the SBTC blog. How boring to find the article with no comment. But it isn't boring now!

They do comment moderation over at SBTC, and sometimes it takes a while for them to get the comments up.

Looking at the forum now, rather than a one-sided battle between the whole SBC establishment vs. you, it looks more like Jim Richards and Gary Ledbetter are the ones outnumbered and facing a large gang.

Maybe they'll get some help. ;-)

You're a great guy. Have a good day.

In Christ,
OK...they needed a little help, so I tried to help them a little.


In Christ,
And finally, in a true sense of mischief, I decided to interrupt my current review of Reisinger to post an alcohol-related blog entry on my site.
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