Thursday, October 01, 2009


Beyond "Submit to the Authorities" part 6

I Shouldn't Have Paused!

Dear Courteous Reader,

Back in the Spring, I had grandiose plans for answering objections some of you have raised point by point. I knew it would be demanding, but I thought it would be worth the trouble. Apparently, I overestimated my determination for the work. Every time I have thought about working through the objections raised, I have been daunted by the task. "Feeble as frail"!

Now it has been months since I last wrote! So, in order to get back on track, I reluctantly retreat from my intention to answer objections raised so far, and return to my plan for walking through this doctrine.

During the interval, I have taught from the scriptures, on this subject, in our local church's midweek Bible study meeting. Hopefully the understanding I have gained will be helpful as I continue here.

Love in Christ,


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